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Tullamore TradFest Session Trail Venue

Live Traditional Irish Music

The heat is building up for another Tullamore TradFest - following on from a blistering performance in 2024, Tullamore TradFest is saved on the calendar as one of the livliest nights of the year in Tullamore. 

The town is packed with superb musicians, playing all shape and sizes of traditional irish music tunes, and popping up anywhere. 

We are a proud Session Trail partner with Tullamore TradFest and will be revealing the line up nearer the dates. 

Be promised, anything can happen. You just need to be here to see it happen. 

Tullamore TradFest - April 11th - 13th 2025. 


For uptodate information on all things Tullamore TradFest, visit